Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Happy Birthday Baby Boy!!

Baby Christopher decided that he really liked being in Mommys tummy, so I had to be induced two days after my due date on April 20th. The whole day was absolutely wonderful and I feel so very blessed to be surrounded by such special people. I woke up at 5:00 in the morning to make sure that I looked my very best to meet my little man. :) Our little princess also had a very big day at school, so I wanted to make sure that I was able to get her ready in her adorable outfit that her Nana got her. We got to the hospital at 6:30, filled out our paperwork, and headed upstairs to get the process started. Our nurse was absolutely wonderful! She started my IV and got the pitocin started. Shortly after Dr. Anderson came in and broke my water and from then on it was the waiting game. Nana Bobbi came to get Jalin from the hospital to take her to school for all of her fun Easter activities. I was on the edge about getting an epidural or not, but after a couple of hours with the pitocin I decided that it was time. Many of my friends and family were in the room through out the day to cheer me on and keep me company. At 5:40 we finally had our special little boy! He weighed 7 pounds 5 ounces and was 19 1/4 inches long. My wonderful husband, Mommy, Robin, Sus, and Taylor were all in the room with me and Many other family members and friends were in the waiting room. Aunt Katheryn said that they played a lullaby every time a baby was born, so she kept waiting to hear the lullaby played for Christopher. Taylor got some beautiful pictures of the day and here is a sneak peek of the ones that she took. (She is very talented by the way and I highly recommend you to hire her for your next photo session

1 comment:

  1. Amazing birth pics!! Dr. Anderson delivered Abby. She's awesome.
