Wednesday, July 27, 2011

3 Months Old

These past three months have just flown by! You are changing so much and starting to look like an infant and not a newborn anymore. You are laughing from your belly now and you smile all of the time! You are getting very close to rolling over from back to tummy. You love your sissy and she loves you! You have already brought us so much joy and we can not wait to watch you grow. Love you our little Mister Man!

Western Day!

Jalin had "Western Day" at school last week and here are a few pictures of our little cowgirl!

She is in LOVE with Toy Story, so when she put her Daddy's hat on she said... "look I am Woody!"

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Happy 4th of July!! and I have now been blogging for a year!

This year Jalin got 1st place in the annual neighborhood parade! We were so excited to have her friend down the street participate with us.

Two Months Old

You are two months old, so lets have a photo session!
Fun facts about your 2nd month!
* You finally figured out how to latch and Mommy does not have to carry the pump with us every where we go. You still like to eat about every 2 hours, but sometimes you go every 3 hours.
* We introduced you to your crib and you like it, however, your favorite place to sleep is with Mommy and Daddy.
* You still smile all of the time and have even started to laugh a little.
* You love your Wubba Nubs. You have a monkey, elephant, and a dog.
* Mommy is still your favorite.
* You now love your swing!
* You got your shots and cried a little bit, but you were a tough boy!

Christopher's Baby Dedication

Christopher's Baby Dedication was on Fathers Day. He was dedicated by Pastor Jeff Burns at Harvest Church.

Happy Fathers Day!

Our little 1 month old!

On May 20, 2011 you turned one month old here is a little bit about what you are doing.
* You are a very happy baby and you smile a lot for a one month old.
* You love your sissy and like to look at her.
* Mommy is your favorite right now and you are content just being in my arms.
* Mommy does not like to put you down.
* You still like to be in a little ball, just like you were in Mommy's tummy (I didn't give you much room to grow).
* You still have not figured out the nursing thing, so I have to pump all of the time and give you bottles. You eat every two hours during the day and at night you wake up at 2, 4, and 6.